Share Your Stories!

What a awesome opportunity to bring all of the Gillespie Outdoors stories and to build our families first "Digital Photo Book Footprint!"  Here are a few things about the website and how to post!

First...Anyone can comment on any of the posts.  Just click the comment button below the post and feel free to share.  No special emails or accounts needed!

Second...As the big bucks hit the ground, we need to create a post of it so that we can all see!  There are two options on how to create a post about the buck shot, turkey taken, fish caught, etc.
     Option 1:  Email me the picture (or pictures) of the event and email me the story.  My email address is  In your story include things like how it happened, where, when, etc.  I will then take the pictures and the article and post them.
     Option 2:  If you have a google account (or want to create one) and would like the option of adding a "post" on your own, then just let me know.  Again email me at and I will make you an "author" of the site.  You have to have a google account to do this though.

So email address is  Contact me there if you have any questions, suggestions, or articles to add!  Also, scroll to the bottom of the website and enter your email address in to get updates.  Whenever a new post is added, you will get an email letting you know!

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