Sunday, January 8, 2017

Carl traps a monster bobcat!

This is one of the biggest bobcats I have ever seen!  Carl Gillespie legally trapped this bobcat making it an awesome trophy.


Kyle Gillespie gets on the board!

Kyle Gillespie took another great Kansas whitetail.  What a great buck!


Ronda: 1st year...1st buck!

First year hunter, Ronda Flickenger, shot this great 8 point at 10 yards!  Carl Gillespie was hunting with her when he rattled in the awesome buck.  Welcome to the Big Buck Club Ronda!


Father Son Duo

Curt and Carl Gillespie get it done once again.  This time it was on the same day, same stand and only minutes apart.  Moments after Curt shot his great buck with a crossbow, Carl and Curt found themselves hiding behind a big tree as another Kansas giant made his way in.  Carl took the shot and they doubled up!  Great work and a great story!