Monday, January 15, 2018

Pheasant Time!

What's a winter without knocking a few birds out of the air?  Curt, Dennis and Bob show off a great weekend haul!

Curts takes a big one!

From what I am hearing, this is his biggest buck to date.  Great buck and great shot!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Carl Gillespie's Mature Buck

Carl landed this old buck with his bow.  I love how wide he is.  Great buck!

Bob Gillespie starts the 2017 season off right!

Bob took this great buck and the story might be even better!  The buck played hard to get, but eventually made his way back and Bob landed the shot.  The deer didn't go too far and proved to be a great bow buck!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Carl traps a monster bobcat!

This is one of the biggest bobcats I have ever seen!  Carl Gillespie legally trapped this bobcat making it an awesome trophy.


Kyle Gillespie gets on the board!

Kyle Gillespie took another great Kansas whitetail.  What a great buck!


Ronda: 1st year...1st buck!

First year hunter, Ronda Flickenger, shot this great 8 point at 10 yards!  Carl Gillespie was hunting with her when he rattled in the awesome buck.  Welcome to the Big Buck Club Ronda!